Sunday 26 September 2010

I’ve been had …

Sometime this afternoon I was speaking to my parents on Skype when there was a knock at my front door. Having not met any of my neighbours yet, I assumed maybe it was someone coming round to say “Hi”. Well, it was, but following the greeting was “do you want to buy some popcorn?”. It was a little kid with his mum, doing the rounds for the Boy Scouts. Looking back I should have just said I was allergic to the stuff, but I didn’t. Instead I went and got my wallet, came back to the door and handed over $10 … TEN DOLLARS for a bag of popcorn!  It had better taste good.



  1. Used to be cookies when I was out in the US...we bought loads lol.

  2. Apparently the cookies come out in Spring time when the Girl Guides bring them round ... in the meantime I have to make do with popcorn!
